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How to prepare an IPv4 subnet for sale?

How to prepare an IPv4 subnet for sale?

We wrote this short article with common recommendations to help IPv4 owners to check if their IPv4 addresses are ready for sale or there’s something else that should be improved.

1. IPv4 Transfer restrictions

Please check the main IPv4 transfer restrictions which RIRs apply for IPv4 transfers:


  • A transfer of an ASSIGNED PI and ALLOCATED PA IPv4 subnet cannot be made the next 2 years from the date of it’s last assignment or allocation.
  • An annual RIPE NCC membership fee for the current year shall be paid in full. If you plan to make an IPv4 transfer in the beginning of the next year, you should contact RIPE NCC in December/January and ask them to issue the invoice for the next year earlier, due to an upcoming IP-transfer
  • For Inter-RIR transfers: you shall release IPv4 addresses to a specified recipient who qualifies for it under the recipient current RIR policy


  • You release IPv4 addresses to a specified recipient who qualifies for it under the current ARIN policy
  • You, as an offering party, haven’t received any transfer, allocation, or assignment of ARIN IPv4 addresses during the last 12 months (an exception is made for M&A)
  • IPv4 resources you would like to transfer are not from a reserved IPv4 ARIN pool
  • For Inter-RIR transfers: you shall release IPv4 addresses to a specified recipient who qualifies for it under the recipient current RIR policy
  • Please keep in mind you shall pay a $500 ARIN IPv4 transfer fee during the transfer ticket submission


  • An annual ARIN membership fee for the current year shall be paid in full before the IPv4 transfer
  • Please check your IP range: APNIC does not allow the transfer of IPv4 addresses allocated from the 103/8 free pool for a minimum of five years after the allocation
  • For Inter-RIR transfers from APNIC: you, as an APNIC Member will be charged the APNIC IPv4 transfer fee. For transfers within APNIC the IPv4 transfer fee is paid by buyer.
  • For historical Internet number resource transfers, the recipient of the IPv4 transfer must be an APNIC member


Inter-RIR transfer requests involving NIR members are sent by the respective NIR to APNIC for further communication with the other RIRs.

Please find below a table that shows if an IPv4 transfer pre-approval required and what additional IPv4 transfer fees apply:

NIRPre-approval requirementIPv4 transfer Fee
JPNICYesTransfer fee charged to recipient
IRINNYes20% of membership fee for transferred resources
IDNICYesAdditional IPv4 allocation fee or new membership fee is charged
CNNICBy requestTransfer fee charged to recipient

2. IPv4 spam check: check your IPv4 with blacklistings

  • Query information on each IP-address of you IPv4 subnets with the following spam check tools:

Lookup – Reputation Checker – Spamhaus

  • Delist IPv4 addressees from spam listings

3. Make sure you’ve dropped all the BGP announcements.

You can use the following BGP lookup:

4. Register and verify an account at

Most IPv4 transactions are secured by It’s not easy to find a buyer on IPv4 addresses who agrees to pay in advance without escrow services. If you choose us as you IPv4 broker, please note that we secure all IPv4 transfers with

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