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RIPE NCC GM Voting results – RIPE 86

The RIPE NCC General Meeting voting results are now published.

The key point of the RIPE meeting voting was the Charging Scheme for 2024: whether everything will remain as it was or a different payment scheme will be chosen. Three following new schemes were proposed for consideration:

Model A Categoriry Model. This model features ten distinct categories to provide enhanced granularity. It maintains separate charges for independent and legacy resources, following the same approach as in previous years. Additionally, a separate fee of 50 EUR for ASN assignments has been introduced. Resources charged separately do not factor into the category scores, ensuring no double charging and no specific fees for transfers or administrative tasks carried out by the RIPE NCC. There is also a new administration fee for /24 IPv4 addresses to create a financial consequence for joining the IPv4 Waiting List. This fee would be payable upon receiving the /24, and members joining the waiting list without an eligible LIR account would pay the new LIR sign-up fee to establish a new LIR account and join the waiting list.

Under this model, approximately 68% of members would pay less than the current annual fee, while the remaining 32% would pay more.

Model BPrice Increase and ASN Fee. This model remains the same as in the previous ten years but includes a price increase of EUR 150 and an additional fee for ASN assignments. This adjustment aims to ensure that budgetary requirements are met while allowing members the flexibility to redistribute excess contributions if the RIPE NCC accumulates surplus funds.

Model C – Transfer Fee and ASN Fee. This model mirrors the previous ten years’ approach but introduces an extra charge for ASN assignments and a EUR 1,000 fee per transfer, paid by the receiving party. These changes are designed to meet budgetary needs while preserving the option for members to reallocate excess contributions in case of surplus funds.

Model DNo changes

The RIPE NCC members voted in favor of Model D, which means that none of their proposed alternative payment schemes were chosen, and everything remains unchanged.

Below are the full voting results:

– Resolution 1: The General Meeting adopts the RIPE NCC Financial Report 2022.

– Resolution 2: The General Meeting discharges the Executive Board with regard to its actions as they appear from the Annual Report 2022 and Financial Report 2022

– Resolution 3: The General Meeting adopts the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2024 Model D

– Resolution 4: In addition to the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme adopted in Resolution 3, the General Meeting adopts an extra charge of EUR 50 per ASN as an integral part of the Charging Scheme 2024.

Is not approved.

– Resolution 5: In addition to the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme adopted in Resolution 3, the General Meeting adopts an extra charge of EUR 500 per accepted transfer request as an integral part of the Charging Scheme 2024.

Is not approved.

– Resolution 6: The General Meeting adopts the amendments to RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement

– Congratulations to the elected board: Raymond Jetten, Harald A. Summa, Maria Häll!

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