Looking to buy or sell IPv4 addresses?
Whether you’re a seller or a buyer, our tool helps you to estimate costs, profits, and fees in seconds:
✅ For Sellers – Instantly estimate your net profit after deducting all expenses.
✅ For Buyers – Calculate the total cost, including Escrow.com fees, based on the IPv4 subnet size and price.
With our calculator, you get precise financial insights before making a deal. Maximize your IPv4 transactions efficiently today!
Our broker commission depends on the subnet size and is as follows:
🔹 /16 and larger – 3-5% of the sale price. The price depends on the amount of IPv4 addresses. To get a more accurate rate for an IPv4 subnet of /16 or larger size, please contact us.
🔹 /17–/19 – 6% of the sale price.
🔹 /20–/22 – 7% of the sale price.
🔹 /23 – 10% of the sale price.
🔹 /24 – 999 EUR.
For all IPv4 transfer-related services, feel free to contact us by email at transfers@voldeta.com.
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