
Worldwide operating IPv4 Broker and Internet Number Resources provider. Buy, sell, rent & lease out IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. LIR registration & management, AS/PI registration & support RIPE | ARIN | APNIC | LACNIC

  Worldwide operating IPv4 Broker and Internet Number Resources provider.

  Buy, sell, rent & lease out IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. LIR registration, AS/PI support




IPv4 传输代理服务

IPv4 lease broker services

IPv4 清理服务 – 从垃圾邮件列表中删除您的 IPv4 子网


IPv4 传输代理服务

与我们一起销售和购买 IPv4 地址。了解它有多么简单!

销售 IPv4 子网的四个步骤

步骤 1:填写表格并签署合同

收到您的表格后,我们将验证您的详细信息,检查子网所有权、转移限制和 DNSBL 列表。可能会要求提供其他法律文件。提交前,请确保子网未经通知,并且您拥有已获批准的 escrow.com 帐户。表格可在此处获取,您也可以向 info@voldeta.com 发送销售请求

步骤 2:确认买家并在 Escrow.com 上批准交易

签署合同后,我们将在指定的时间范围内寻找买家。找到买家后,我们将向您发送一份附件,其中包含其详细信息以供确认。收到签署的附件后,我们将在 escrow.com 上开立交易并提供链接供您确认条款。

步骤 3. 在资金到位后将您的 IPv4 子网转让给买家

在您通过托管确认条款后,买方将发送付款。当 Escrow.com 确认付款收据时,我们会向您发送转账所需的文件以及向 RIR 开立转账单的说明。我们将为您提供所有步骤的支持.

步骤 4. 收到付款

IPv4 转移完成后,您应向 escrow.com 确认 IPv4 子网已交付给买方,并等待最多 3 个日历日以获得买方的确认。然后,在转移完成确认后,escrow.com 将向您付款。卖方支付 15 欧元的托管费用。

购买 IPv4 子网的四个步骤

步骤 1. 选择我们市场上的子网或联系我们

首先查看我们市场上的当前报价,如果没有符合您的要求和预算的报价,请通过此处的买家表格向我们发送您的请求。申请时,请确保您在 escrow.com 上拥有已获批准的帐户。如果您没有经过验证的 escrow.com 帐户,我们将帮助您注册。收到您的请求后,我们将开始搜索子网。

第 2 步:在 escrow.com 上签署合同并确认交易

在我们找到子网之前,您无需与我们签订任何合同。找到子网后,我们会向您发送一份保密协议以供签署,然后我们会披露子网和主要条款。如果您确认购买,我们会要求您签署合同并寄回给我们。一旦我们收到双方签署的合同,我们将在 escrow.com 上开启三方交易并向您发送链接以确认条款。

步骤 3. 将所选 IPv4 范围的付款发送至 escrow.com

一旦交易得到各方确认,您必须签署我们提供的转让协议并通过电汇将付款发送到 escrow.com。一旦 escrow.com 确保付款安全,卖方将启动 IPv4 子网向您的 LIR 帐户的转移。请注意,RIR 间转移需要更多时间才能完成。

步骤4. 接收子网并在escrow.com上确认收货

现在您只需等待 IPv4 子网转移完成。IPv4 转移完成后,您应在 3 个日历日内在 escrow.com 上确认 IP 子网收据。确认 IPv4 子网收据后,您的付款将发放给卖家。转移后,您将收到所有结算文件。



我们是一家总部位于欧盟的公司集团,以知名的 Voldeta 品牌运营。作为全球领先的 IPv4 经纪商,我们提供的服务超出了竞争对手的典型服务,在 IPv4 转让和租赁方面表现出色。我们的综合解决方案旨在满足广泛的 IP 地址需求。

Voldeta 在所有主要 RIR(不包括 AFRINIC)上开展业务,在管理复杂的 IPv4 子网转让方面拥有专业知识,尤其是涉及 APNIC 国家互联网注册机构 (NIR)(如 IRINN 和 JPNIC)的转让。我们对复杂法规和流程的深入了解确保了无缝转让,无论多么具有挑战性。

在 IPv4 租赁领域,Voldeta 通过密切跟踪所有 RIR 和 NIR 的政策变化保持领先地位。我们提供符合最新法规的 IPv4 子网,确保为客户提供安全可靠的租赁选择。

认识到 IPv6 日益增长的重要性,Voldeta 也是 IPv6 租赁的先驱。我们开发了第一个自动化 IPv6 平台 IPv6.market,巩固了我们在该领域的领导地位。除了租赁之外,我们还帮助最终用户注册自己的 IPv6 /48 子网,提供持续支持以确保全面运营准备就绪。

作为本地互联网注册机构 (LIR),Voldeta 提供全方位的服务,包括 ASN 注册、IPv6 注册以及对 IPv4 和 IPv6 PI 子网的全面支持。我们丰富的行业知识和多年的经验使我们能够提供透明的定价和根据您的需求量身定制的解决方案。

> K
of transferred IPv4 addresses
>$ M
Generated for sellers
Customers already used our services

有疑问?与我们安排在线会议或通过电子邮件联系我们: info@voldeta.com

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IPv4 lease broker services

Rent and lease out IPv4 addresses with Voldeta

Four steps to rent IPv4 subnets

Step 1. Choose a RIR, subnet size and fill up the checkout form

Visit our IPv4 lease page, choose a product and fill up the checkout form. You don’t need to pay during checkout. Please note that we only provide B2B services. You can add all the setup details are added during the checkout: ASN, ORG, maintainer. Please note that the minimum leasing period is 1 year. If you’re looking for bulk IPv4 addresses, please feel free to contact us by email. We have over 70 000 IPv4 addresses in stock and will be glad to cover your demand.

Step 2. Confirm the subnet and choose a payment method

Once we receive your order and verify your company and ASN, we will provide you with the IPv4 range to confirm. If the IPv4 range doesn’t meet your requirements, you can cancel the order or specify your requirements, and we will offer you another IPv4 subnet that meets your requirements. There’re two payment options to choose from: wire transfer and payment by card. In case of payment by card, a 3% Stripe fee will be added to the total cost.

Step 3. Sign contract, send back to us and pay the invoice

Once the IPv4 subnet is confirmed and a payment method is chosen, we will prepare and send you the contract and invoice. We will ask you to sign documents, send back to us and pay the invoice to proceed with the assignment. If you need LOA, please let us know before making payment. Please note that we don’t reserve subnets for more than two days. If we don’t receive the documents and payment within this period, the order will be canceled

Step 4. Receive the subnet within 1 day and enjoy

Within 1 business day after the payment receipt we will assign the IPv4 subnet. By default, we create RPKI and route to your ASN. Upon request, we can also create rDNS records. If you need to update geo of the assigned IPv4 subnet, please let us know the geo lookups you would like to update and we will make geo update requests for you. Please note that the final decision to update geo is made by geo lookup.

Four steps to lease out IPv4 subnets

Step 1. Contact us

Contact us by email or submit a contact form . For faster cooperation, please specify the range, estimated price, minimum leasing period, payment terms, limitations. Also, if a subnet is larger than /22, please let us know if the subnet can be splitted or not.

Step 2. Confirm the terms

We will check the range with spam listings, contact you and make an offer with the main terms, taking into account the provided information. We are flexible and always open to negotiate the terms, except several ones those are essential for us.

Step 3. Review contract and issue invoice

Once the terms and pricing are confirmed, we will send the final contract to review and confirm. Then, After the first subnet is confirmed by our customer, we sign contract, provide you with the setup details and ask you to issue the invoice.

Step 4. Receive payment and make the setup

Upon payment we will ask you to make the requested setup within 1 business day. The inetnum setup request is made either by us or by you, depending on the agreed terms. RPKI and LOA is made by the subnet owner.

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UAB Voldeta



法定地址:Geologų g. 6-2, LT-02190 立陶宛维尔纽斯

经理:Agata Šapel, direktorė


  • IPv4 传输代理服务;
  • 租用 IPv4 和 IPv6;
  • IPv4 租赁代理服务;
  • ASN(自治系统编号)注册和支持;
  • LIR注册与管理;
  • IPv6 PI /48 子网注册
  • 赞助 LIR 服务:IPv4 和 IPv6 PI(提供商独立)资源支持;
  • IPv4 BL 退市服务。

工作日:Mo-Su 11:00- 20:00 GMT+3

由于 Covid-19,我们远程工作。

